Which famous book of the 20th Century was largely written on the Hebridean island of Jura?
Correct answer: Nineteen Eighty Four

Player katy from cork
Player #1137636, Lucky enough to visit in 1983 from New Zealand. They were prepared for a huge influx of American tourists in 1984. Fabulous whiskey!!

Nearlyfit, I understand your feelings about this book. But would you agree that it is profoundly important for a person to read this book?

Player #48458
TreeSkyhigh, I can't believe anyone has not heard of 1984 its a classic .I read it in high school

Afraid I found it the most deeply depressing book I have ever read... Not light reading

Player #1137636
Amazing book & especially relevant to our current times. I think it should be required for EveryOne to read.