What was the name of the young woman who drowned at Chappaquiddick island in 1969?
Correct answer: Mary Jo Kopechne

it's called murder

he was drunk

My mother always said Ted Kennedy killed a young woman but I never read about it in high school until once when he was still living I Googled it. Guess if you come from prominence you can get away with just about anything. Interesting how an exceptional film on the subject came out recently and garnered no interest from the press despite stellar performances. Sad state of affairs.

he's a Kennedy don't you know they cover things up

Player #6132588
Evelynrunion, you as a woman do not leave your purse & keys unless your unconscious drunk.

He was going to a secluded area to get laid. Those Kennedy brothers were players. He was very drunk and was barely able to save himself, much less Mary Jo. He still should have been prosecuted for DUI, reckless driving & manslaughter.

CherokeeIndian13, It's not bad luck. It's arrogance and stupidity. Jack and Bobby thought they could double cross the Mafia, after they made it possible for Jack to be elected president, and Bobby went after them as Attorney General. John-John didn't have the experience to be flying after dark, over the ocean. Patrick died after hitting a tree while playing football, and skiing at the same time. Teddy was just an alcoholic, who didn't want to ruin his political career.

Player #11942790
they dont say how he left her,went home bathed,ate,and told no one until next morning and then said he knew nothing about it.He should have been in jail for murder. Shows if you have money ,you get away with murder.

FastFrog, they should have looked deeper into it. Hell, anyone else would have been arrested and at least tried! Sad. Where was he really going too???

EV777, I agree! But in Camelot, royalty is above the law and get to become lifelong senators and never have to pay for their sins!

Player #47990899, that’s not true. He DID run for president.

Bre99nda, not just Camelot…. Wherever there is enough money

Nerak 7
Tragic. But we will never really know what happened. Why did she leave her purse behind were they both drinking? We will never know. Word to the wise if you want a ride somewhere if would be a good idea to ask someone whom you know

Player #130998363
Watched a movie called Chappaquiddick. So guilty

mmblues51, exactly !

This is not true , she knew him very well, one of the reasons the Kenedy’s didn’t want her body tested to see if she was pregnant

Mrs K
Player #6132588, and now days, your phone.

Mrs K
sdwoody77, wasn't he always?

Player #11942790, Not just money. Many wealthy people end up in jail. You don't hear about it because, they don't have what the Kennedy's had, and still have. POWER. POWER allows one to get away with murder!!!
Money AND power? THAT is the jackpot. The Kennedy's OWN the jackpot. But we all know even THEY pay for their arrogance.

Player #6132588, Wow! I never FOCUSED on that detail. It was always stated in (mostly) every article I read. But I never realized the implications of that... until YOUR comment. Thank You for that!!!
Even high as a kite
(it was the 80's) I NEVER "forgot" my purse (my keys were always in my purse) on one occasion, I did leave a party w/o my tote bag. When I got to the lobby, I remembered and "staggered" back to get it. 😂

apparently she was thinking of returning back to the party if she didn't tell nno one that she was leaving along with leaving her personal belongings she thought the hookup would be quick not knowing that she was going for her last ride of her life

Bre99nda, I believe they have paid with all the tragedies that have happened in that family.

Player #6132588, or forced!

Player #102720773
Janie Mae, Don't forget his young sister, who was given a frontal lobotomy. she was deemed too wild. According to old man Kennedy, she was tarnishing the Kennedy image.

Courtney Marie
Teslasgirl66, she’s buried near me in Larksville PA

I'm glad she hasn't been forgotten.

How much of this is fact and how much is speculation? I can't in all honesty say I know any of the players but it's a terrible tragedy

Best comment is from.Evelynrunion..

Tina M.
I'm amazed at how many people have their version of what happened. We will never know the whole story. What Ted did was horrible, but we don't know all the facts. To say Mary Jo was pregnant, etc. is wrong. Let her rest in peace.

Player #11942790, seriously, very true. In my opinion, that is what is wrong with our country.

never paid the price for that one!

Player #6132588, that or you don't know your not coming back.

Player #9495659, RFK was killed in June 1968!

Player #29135352
Teslasgirl66, Why would she leave her purse and things behind did she really go willingly and of course Kennedy like the Clinton's won't get charged for anything

People with Big Money, really can get away with Murder , that is so unjust!!!

Bre99nda, oh yes you're wrong. They'll all pay!!!!

Player #47990899
Felipe, oh my goodness every time election came up everybody will see signs that simply would say Mary Jo kopechne didn't say another word about nothing just that name and I believe that quenched his thirst 4 wanting to be president

Shelby Johnson
right!! What happened after he got out of the wreck? Why didn't he turn around and try to help her? Did he just walk away?

Bre99nda, two of them did - they were brutally assassinated

MaryJ, and yet the state of Massachusetts keep electing to office for years, I was born there and glad my parents left when I was young.