In the U.S. TV cartoon series "Roger Ramjet", who gave Roger his assignments?
Correct answer: General G.I. Brassbottom

I have never heard of this before but I guessed right!

Player #2017934
With a name like Ramjet, Brassbottom seemed the best fit.

Player SQinfoNUTS
flowercat0523, Rodger Ramjet and his Eagles fighting for our freedom fly through in and outer space not to join them but you've beat them. Rodger Ramjet he's our man kihiro up our nation for kids Adventures just be sure to stay tuned to this station. So come and join us all you kids were lots of fun and laughter is Rodger Ramjet and his men get all the crooks they are after.

Another that I've never heard of but just guessed correctly

never heard of it

this wasn't even on Nick at Nite.

Never heard of It !
And I can't IMAGINE Left-Leaning Hollywood airing it now!
Unless, We, patriotic TV viewers, start a petition to show it ! METV, COZI, NICK @ NIGHT and the other 'Retro Networks' !

who will save us from he who must not be named?

I'm 69 years old watched cartoons my whole life and still love, and watch cartoons daily. But I have Never heard of this one.

I thought when I was a kid it was just ok, but the older I got the more I enjoy it.

No wonder I don't remember it. I was only a year old when it came out...

Roger Ramjet and his Eagles, fighting for our freedom! Fly to in and outer space not to join ‘em, but to beat em! Roger Ramjet he’s our man! Hero of our nation. For his adventures just be sure and stay tuned to this station! ( left out a few lines... too long!)

sorry auto correct potter not porter lol