Who headed up the Royal Air Force's retaliatory bombing of Germany in WWII?
Correct answer: Sir Arthur Harris

If we hadn't won that war, Hitler would have gone on exterminating 'implorables' as his madness progressed.

just guessed it would be the guy with 'sir' in front of his name. seemed logical.

We just have to add that dozens of thousands British pilots lost their lives during their military service, shot down by Germans.

SloaneRanger2019, He was called Bomber not barometer.

Precision bombing was tried at various times in WW2 but proved impractical with the technology of the day. Given that the target was Nazi Germany, anything that shortened the war even by a little was justified.

lordvonpickle, rubbish. look at photos of Coventry

Paco, you know what he meant. Hitler killed millions in concentration camps.

Player #2339156
lordvonpickle, read your history again.

Player #96890951
priam, IF, as you say °Target Bombing° was IMPRACTICAL ? Seems Contradictory to what Happened - When SEVERAL Dams were Deliberately BOMBED !!

'Humane bombing'...akin to 'military intelligence'?

Elfcounsel, I see baronet not barometer, which measures air pressure.

munchkin1300, He wasn't born barometer. He was given the title because he reached a high rank in the RAF and led on the bombing.