Max Beckmann's "The Night" depicts which conflict?
Correct answer: World War I

Hello fellow trivia enthusiasts! I'm new to the game and have a few questions that are not explained in the FAQ page. Can someone please explain whether or not there is any strategy to picking the chests with coins rather than the empty ones? If it is only by chance then it seems silly to affect your win percentage for a round. Also, why is there a tile allowing the ability to see the maps exit? Does your score increase or lower depending on the order of questions picked? LOVE the app and the player interaction! Thanks to anyone kind enough to help a player out =)

Player Tamsen
farmgirly, I look forward to reading the answers to your questions. I'm wondering the same.

I am enjoying the game tremendously and haven't paid any attention to anything else. I've used the 50/50 button twice and I still missed the answer. I enjoy the snowflake match and do poorly on the other two.

Player SQinfoNUTS
farmgirly, greetings. I've been playing the game for a little while now and I have the very same questions. Much to my chagrin none of them have been answered. Peace

farmgirly, greetings. Glad you're enjoying the game. No, there is no strategy whatsoever to picking coins from the chests. It seems like a moot point as doesn't seem to be very much that you can do with the coins once you get there. As far as the order of the questions that you pick. No, that does not seem to matter whatsoever either. welcome aboard

VividPotion6704, I have addressed very specific questions to the game makers. The response? **thank you for your question.**

farmgirly, I've read 2 strategies for picking chests, but haven't seen more success than my going with my first fast choice ,which has worked well. Doesn't matter order since you have to do them all. Don't know about map exit and I'm in the 130's....Enjoy

I use this game as a pleasant distraction & passtime, and I rarely fail to learn something after only a short time. I pay little attention to negative comments & verbal dueling that takes place.

Player #978627
farmgirly, hello, I have noticed a pattern, there is a very slight differences with the boxes that contain the coins, however I have so far counted 3 different types of chests in the numerous evels...
# For the silver and emerald chest you want to pick the ones that are slightly longer in .
# For the cheapest brown looking chest - pick the fattest/roundest one.
# For the gold/brown one - pick the tallest in length

Sully Girl
farmgirly Welcome to the game. I hope you get some answers. Im wondering about some of the same things. I love the game and learn lots of realy neat stuff, now to remember it all

farmgirly, remember where the empty boxes were last time and pick one of those, you’ll have a better than even chance of getting it right. No advantage in exiting early, although you can if you wish, better to play the whole section. No increase in score for order of play

Player #30722855
farmgirly, The chests will 99 percent of the time be one or both of the two chests on the right. If it's the back one one day, then pick the front one the next and just rotate back and forth. If they read this, they may change it in the future, but I have been doing this for months.

for me top left chest has the money 90o/o of the time, bottom right paid choice

farmgirly, I have found that the lower 2 chests alternate in being full. Every now and then, there is a change, but it's pretty reliable. Also, the 6 tiles that flip - the last one that moves is the one to pick! love this game, and I'm a farmgirly too!

farmgirly, it, usually the second or fifth chest

farmgirly, i pick the upper outside alternately with good results. pick one correctly and alternate to the opposite side.

farmgirly, I am pretty sure you will never see the replies to your question

I just play the game to learn all this different information and trivia!Thats the win for me....alot of stuff I don't know...I use majority hint and 50/50 ....I play really hard when I get the week of unlimited time...I look up answers and then I research to find info that I didn't know! I Enjoy this "game"

Cha Cha
Player Dizzy M, me too

kelloggs 4791
when you pick a chest always pick the one on the lower right side.

Player #25874027
If you want to see comments or responses , go to the main menu and choose history.
This will show all your answers and comments and probably any responses.
However if you do this on the day you won’t see anything new , so you have to let some time pass. Then you have the problem of finding what you want .
Good luck with that

Player #25874027
An earlier response said higher won percentage if you pick the bottom left chest . Not 100% though.
Another response said if you keep answering after you have used Show Exit , you get higher points for your answers .

Player Dizzy M
farmgirly, I have a lot of luck by picking the top middle chest

farmgirly, I do not know. I also do.not know what my stars are used for when the number declines. I think automatic purchases of hints. I wish the FAQs covered more.

just a thought... wondering if anyonevhas emailed the game organisers with these questions?

Byrde Alpha Bitch
UnopposedExpert34755, Main Menu: History

Radakyl, I pick the top right each time and it seems to be quite successful

Welcome farmgirly I usually pick the bottom chest seems right 75% of the time.If I try at random it my odds are 45%

Player #978627
# silver and emerald chest - longest in *width*