Which Pope disbanded the Knights Templar in 1312?
Correct answer: Clement V

it never fails. Crooked church and politicians

Player #48458
SneakyMole92698., the Catholic church needed money and the knights templar had plenty.but I think the way they did it was cruel

Player #48458, since when has any religion been kind they all want you to believe what they do and usually try to win.

Laudy Miss Claudy, It was actually taken over by Henry VIII when he removed papal authority from and declared himself supreme head of , the Church of England.The new Church had quite a bit of tweaking to do before it became Anglican. He dissolved the monasteries, razing many and took their lands and wealth which was considerable for the crown. Westminster Abbey was traditionally where kings were crowned and buried (including Henry's father) so was spared.

Laudy Miss Claudy
Player #7719043, Actually, Westminster Abbey was constructed in the 8th century when ALL Christians were Catholic. In 1559 it was taken over by the Protestant Anglicans during their revolution.