If you were anosmic, what would you lack?
Correct answer: Sense of smell

I have it too. My washing machine caught fire and I only knew because when I went to the bathroom and noticed that the flat was full of smoke. The alarm hadn't activated. It can be dangerous on top of being inconvenient.

GrandmaTanya, I have it from a brain injury and it's just awful!

learned a new word today

Player #1073336
GrandmaTanya, I had major head trauma and cannot smell or taste

Player #46487976
I’ve had it for quite some time no head trauma though. Don’t know how I developed it. I miss the small things like walking into a cafe and smelling the sweetness of coffee and cinnamon . Amazing how the little things mean a lot.

I learned this from watching Scrubs!

Player #25874027
Player #7719043,
I had brain surgery for an aneurysm clip. Even the small amount they had to move my brain was enough to snap the very thin nerves which go from the olfactory sensors through the skull .
3 months later I had pituitary surgery through the nose( transphenoidal) and the surgeon went straight through the olfactory sensor. It’s now scar tissue
Result no sense of smell for 30 years

lostiaz, Wow! I think these types of occurrences are true blessings. I, also, think you might have a lot of common sense. My laundry was in the garage. I went out and happened to look down and was not rushing. There were several small rattlesnakes in front of the washer. An angel must have been looking out for me. We lived outside of San Diego and our temperatures were much hotter, rattlesnakes were common during the summer. They were looking for cool cement or asphalt in early evening. I didn't panic, grabbed my dog who always came out to help me do laundry and called the fire department. Their truck attracted the neighborhood so it was a chance for everyone to say thanks for being there for us.

1. I answered correctly about the writer.
2. I was timed out and tried to watch an ad for more time.
I should only have one incorrect answer for round 141.

Player #36423004, Same thing happened to me no smell no taste Fall from 3 m ladder

lostiaz, I suffered a head injury 3 and a 1/2 years no smell

Player #16925145, This is a good warning to all. I feel for you. I have allergies and have been warned against over use of all types of sprays.

Player #36423004
I fell backwards on ice and hit head cant taste or smell. bad concussion

Player #21374632
Player #1NanSan, yes, you can be born without the sense of smell. my high school friend, David ,was born without the sense of smell and was turned down by the US. Army because of that.he really wanted to join the military.

Player #16925145
I lost mine from overuse of nasal spray. It's been two years now.

Player #1NanSan
I have this. I also no two r three others who have it, i've always said I was born like that,? is this true, can you be born without sense of smell?

I lost my sense of smell when I had pneumonia

My boyfriend has this

a friend of mine had it after chemotherapy, I always hate it, if I'm congested & can't taste, I would eat & nothing would satisfy because when you can't smell, you can't taste either! -yet, my friend cooked for her husband & son till she passed away

FACTCHECKER, - Try cracking a window, for the Love of Pete!

Canis Lupus
MoodyRider40322, I have the opposite...smells are so very strong
Sometimes I've wished I had asnomia!