Capsicum is the genus name for which family of food?
Correct answer: Pepper

Player #2435287alice
LoopyLynda74, I put capsaicin ointment on my arthritic hips before getting dressed one morning. By the time I got to work I felt like I had hot coals in my pants. Took over an hou fr me to be able to sit still

Montana Lady
My preferred use, living where I do, is bear spray... although when I'm hiking alone, it's not usually the bears I'm concerned about running into - but it works just fine on humans too!

Player #27149342 pixie
I was wondering what the Colombian Exchange was, guess I'll have to Google it.

Freocurlz, Pepper spray is made using oleoresin capsicum which is found in some varieties of peppers.

When I read the word "capsicum" Anne Curtis was the first thing in my mind. lol

It just makes sense... 😆

Sankhadip Mandal
Capsicum is also known as Green Bell Pepper and it is used in the delicious cuisine of Chilli Chicken and this vegetable is also my favorite.

Gary, I think pepper spray is from the cayenne pepper?...

Player #3906185
SAC69, i have also

Player #3906185
Player #2435287alice, try eating vegetables cooked in infused pepper oils and or eating peppers add to meat dishes and soups and peoper stakes, in eggs and omelets...

that's where they get pepper spray.

LoopyLynda74, A better solution would be to get rid of the flower pot