Which US president was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, in 1917?
Correct answer: John F. Kennedy

Good summary. There's so much that's relevant to JFK, that it would be difficult to not write too much.

Player #1949300
...for SHAME, what they did to him...dirty-buggers !!!

would have went on to be a great President as would his brother Bobby Kennedy had he not been gunned down while campaigning in 1968. He was in my city campaigning in Lansing Michigan and ran out in front of my moms car while I was with her and tapped the hood as he almost got hit right in front of the Capital building. talk about being up close and personal...lol

CIA shot him. CIA had too much invested in Viet Nam, needed a war there. Kennedy said no. Signed a resolution to pull out. He shot. Next day LBJ reversed the resolution. Got us into war. Be patient. It's all coming out drop by drop.

Player #9442102
Player #1949300, I still believe J Edgar Hoover the head of the FBI had something to do with the assassination of JFK. He did not like JFK or his father. He did not want a catholic in the office.

Player #1111308
I loved JFK.He wasa great president.😂😘

Lynn Lynn💛😄
Player #1949300, it was. a shame that that he was cruelty assimilated shame.

The humans surrounding you can't be trusted, especially when you are a powerful person who can make powerful decisions.

Player #129324199
Check out “A Cruel and Shocking Act” They burned a LOT of evidence.

WaldoLydeker, Sir you get a gold star 🎖

Player #20528898
please check your data upon the year JFK was born

Player #3107938
Player #2655037, Jackass

Player SQinfoNUTS, if Jack was born in 1927 he would have not reached the age of 35 when he was elected president. Oh gosh this is getting messy.

Player #677233, I have absolutely no idea. Something was lost in the translation for sure.

Player #677233
Player SQinfoNUTS, so what's your point?

my hometown :)

Player SQinfoNUTS
it is very difficult to write a correct comment on these things. he was 43 when he was elected in 1960. so he was born in 1917

Player SQinfoNUTS
greeneyedshorty6583, ways that can't be right. sb-27 trust me 1927

Player SQinfoNUTS
greeneyedshorty6583, JFK was born in May of 1917.

Player #1443092
didn't know should have know

Player #1081396
DaveGundërsen, you said it, sir