What is the "Curse of Tippecanoe"?
Correct answer: Deaths of U.S. Presidents while in office
Don't you love this stuff?
dini cee
2020 is coming up!
Montana Lady
Harrison died of stupidity, he thought he was too manly to wear a coat while giving his inauguration speech... in the freezing rain, and died weeks later of pneumonia.
I live mile from Prophet's Rock and the Tippecanoe Battlefield in Battle Ground, Indiana..I love this stuff!!😍
didn't know this one!
Until 1960? Who was elected in 1960? John F. Kennedy!
I remember this curse as a topic when Reagan was elected. When he was shot everyone feared it had come true.. at first.
Player #3932361
this is why I love this game
Player #2414753
Did not know this
Democrats are Evil
PointyDormouse60089, I will now be saying Holy Moses in a basket as much as possible. thanks!
Can it be revived 😳 just wondering
hope that curse is still working in 2025-2029
very superstitious song by Stevie Wonder
Cat Mom
dini cee, didn't happen
What? JFK was elected in 196o, assassinated in 1963.
Montana Lady, That was part of it too.
Wow !! So much for curses not working !! 😃😃 Witches and Warlocks never give up hope !! A curse could just take time !! 😃😃
Process of elimination. The other three choices are ridiculous.
what's the Tippecanoe come from
Player #120374466
Hairslinger, Yes, the Soviet Union came to its end because of Reagan. People free for the first time in 75 years.
Player #120374466
Mariposa , Reagan stood in front of Berlin Wall and told Soviet Union President "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall" and it did happen.
dini cee, Not the pres.death, but all of ours.
dini cee, ahhhh… but the curse was broken when President Reagan lived despite the assassination attempt.
This is a really cool bit of trivia.
I remember this "curse" (vaguely) from childhood, but haven't thought of since. I LOVE the details here, & how cooly creepy this is.. or was. Pity it didn't last for 1980 & 2000; would've saved this GOP-ravaged country & the 🌎 a world of grief. Just sayin'...😁😉
Player #15285803, He did win and where are we now...
WaynieBob52, yes JFK was killed Nov 1963
Player #29867800
JaevlaSkit, GW wasn't elected in a zero year, but I agree this coincidental curse was "broken" with Reagan.
Orville Parker Gildock
Tip and Ty. Tippecanoe and Tyler too. popular campaign song of the Whig party
Wow!! if Reagan had died that would have really made modern day believers of that curse!
Player #18454069
Montana Lady, Hmmm, remind you of anyone?
Player #15285803, 🖕
Player #15285803
Bryan Angelo, keep on trumping
Player #15285803
if biden wins...
Linda Shaw
WaldoLydeker, Yes!
Rob Townson
i remember seeing a poster of this and the pictures of Presidents who died.
dini cee, the curse has been broken since Reagan and GW both survived.
always wondered about the curse or where it came from, thanks.
dini cee, curse was broken with Reagan
Player #18137175
what is your point