Where did the industrial revolution begin?

Correct answer: Great Britain

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
Player #8297262
Player #8297262
it was built on neither Indian tea or Brazilian gold. but on coal and iron ore, both abundant in England and Wales
I live a small walk from what's regarded as the very birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, Ironbridge and Coalbrookdale, on the River Severn in Shropshire. A place of beauty now, but one which raged with fire and smoke when it began changing the world in the 18th century.
Player #8297262, Care to include Scotland in that, with their abundance of contributions to coal and steel, thank you very much.
little b
little b
I I live in Great Britain
Player #125843019
Player #125843019
TheKiltedScotsman, I don't think so
absolutely essential to the modern world as we know it but why did history teachers make it soooo boring to study???
Player #33161631
Player #33161631
Player #8297262, coal and wool, as it started with the textile industry. The industrial revolution started in Britain simply because it had a relatively big population for its size and demand for clothing made the economics of investment in novel new steam mechanisation stand up, as coal was cheaper here than elsewhere, whilst labour was more expensive.
Player #16672582
Player #16672582
Player #8297262, yes did History 65 years ago
millwallmarty, k