The Arnolfini Wedding is a famous painting by which artist?
Correct answer: Jan van Eyck

Marcus Space Cadet
The artist and his easel are said to be reflected in the parabolic mirror at the back of the room.

Laudy Miss Claudy
Is it just me or does Mrs. Arnolfini appear to be pregnant at her own wedding...and if you look closely into the mirror in the background you can probably see the bride's father holding a shotgun.

Player #13664945
Really guys? "Netherlandish"? WTF happened to Dutch?

Player #13664945, "Netherlandish" refers to 15th and 16th century painters from the Dutch Republic, which contained the current Netherlands and Flanders. Jan van Eyck himself was actually Flemmish.

The painting is signed, inscribed, and dated on the wall above the mirror, it says...Jan van Eyck was here 1434

I have seen the painting. It is Marvelous, interesting and the gallery is free. How great is thst.

Mr. Arnolfini.. looks just like my HS algebra teacher.. Mr. Salvatore Cioffi.. RIP Sal! you did good work

Is that the painter where all the people look like Putin?

I remember reading about this painting that the bride was not pregnant, but was wearing a sort of front "bustle" which was a fashion of the times

Mimbo, 🤣😝

Aukyboy, 🤣😝

Zeza, I was going to comment the same...ditto

Trish - Yes, I've read that explanation of her shape. There's one thing though and that is that she has her hand over her stomach in the way that expectant mothers do. Do you remember nearly every picture of Meghan, Prince Harry's wife, when she was pregnant, showed her as having a hand in exactly the same place?

Wasn't it also featured in the opening scenes of Desperate Housewives?

Laudy Miss Claudy, not pregnant, it was the fashion among the aristocracy at the time to appear to have a fat belly, since only wealthy people could afford enough rich foods to get fat. only poor people were skinny

they don't look very happy.

Marcus Space Cadet, interesting! TY

Player frank h, Did shotguns exist in 1434?

Who on earth answered “David Hockney” ?

Van Eyk himself can be seen reflected in the mirror.

I looked up painting and zoomed in to see detail and noticed wording above the mirror

She looks way too young for him and with her hand on her belly, she is definitely pregnant.

It's geometric orthogonal perspective...mmmhmmm...

Marcus Space Cadet, Or is that her father with the shotgun?

Just for knowledge, antonio works are Jupiter &io, assumption of virgin. Manet works are Olympia. Manet is modern painter.