How many atoms are there in a molecule of water?
Correct answer: 3
Should know this since it's H2O!
Sgt KaBar
No, Water is a triatomic molecule, and even the angle between the Hydrogen atoms is well known (it is not a straight line)
Chemical formulae are not like mathematical equations, ie Benzene is C6H6, never CH
Wannabe Vulcan
nolongerIbutCHRIST, other way around.
nolongerIbutCHRIST, 2 hydrogen & 1 oxygen. H20
Sgt KaBar
H2O is actually H4O2. You just reduce it like you would a fraction.
Player #45505475
HIPPIE CHICKEN, > yes indeed There are 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. Library Books in the section for children make it fun to understand.
Anyone who ever rode Adventure Thru Inner Space at Disneyland knows this. 😉
Chelseablue 1971
JezzerLX, no one likes a gloater