In 2013, which video game made $1 billion in three days in the biggest entertainment launch in history?
Correct answer: Grand Theft Auto V

So many people like to blame video games on violence and bad people.If bad people haven't learned from their parents then it is from their bad friends. I watched Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny, etc etc. I haven't tried to blow anyone up with TNT or drop a huge rock on their head from a high distance, The sad people are the ones that sit in judgement of everything, Let yourself go and enjoy life. Stop being so negative.

Always easier to blame video games for the state of the world than observing the underlying problem existing in societies in general: anti-science movement, lack of gun regulation, demagogue politicians surfing on desinformation instead of cold hard facts, "me, myself and I" mentality of many, big times criminals using loopholes in justice systems to get away with anything while the poorest goes to jail for minor infractions.... So yeah, video games are to blame for the state of society. Gimme a break!

Binni ji
hope my kiddos play trivia

so horribly sad considering the atrocious theme of it! And then we wonder why this world is in the state that its in

ChewyGazelle68623, it was designed by a Scottish company, nothing to do with Microsoft.

Player mattster
wile e. coyote get's clobbered a lot.

Biff, In GTA5's defence, it did trick millions of young people into listening to Tangerine Dream. That's never a bad thing.

Gta games are some of the best ever made. To blame video games solely for violence is ignorant. When i was a kid we played cops and robbers with toy guns a trigger happy cop would blow us away for holding nowadays. I never robbed a bank cuz of it tho. I do belive the media in general does play a part in our psychology and desensitizes us toward violence. The news for example shows us horrible things for 45 min and caps it off with a "soft story". Like that is the way the world is. Full of terrible things and only a few good things. Music also contributes. If u look at high crime areas and then look at the type of music that is widely listened to in those places, one could make a distinct correlation between the violent lyrics and the violence in the neighborhood. Books are probably safe because no one reads anymore (too sad). But it all comes down to family and up-bringing. If ur parents are criminals or neglegent then its a safe bet u will be too.

Lynnski18, have you played this game?

DonSiphono, by far the most murders have been committed by disarmed citizens by their own government.

Player #25874027
Player mattster,
He never learns!

The best game of all time till date