What was banned in USA in January 1920?
Correct answer: Alcohol

In my opinion, edible cannabis for pain is a far better option than opioids. Living with excruciating pain daily is terrible. I hope no one else ever has to deal with it. Please don't be so quick to say it's all bad.

doxierescued, I feel the same way! I have fibromyalgia and I hate taking opiods for pain when cannabis is far better.

prohibition was a deadly mistake!

hungry wolf
moderation... everything in moderation.

Yeah but it led to organized crime. I wish everyone would learn how to just drink responsibly and not feel they have to get sh*t face every time they drink

Player Tystyx

Lady Keenan
Montana Lady, if ur ignorant on a subject, meaning u have none or very little knowledge on a subject your OPINION is moot!!! as a recovering addict I can lecture forever on the subject, but what most ppl don't realize is the initial use of a substance is a CHOICE. the continuing use is not! using is but a symptom of this disease which is a thinking disease! no one CHOOSES this disease or way of life!!!

doxierescued, your right. as usual the misuse of any drug spoil it for people who really need it

cunnynghamcg, strange to me how a naturally occurring plant can be illegal..

Redeemed 2001
useless to try to legislate morality

The fact that there's an entire "legitimate" industry solely devoted to destroying people's brains says a lot about the priorities of a society.

Player #120374466
doxierescued, Cannabis isn't all that harmless. Many young people have become addicted to it. I causes for some, depression,anxiety, and paranoia.

The Prohibition led to moonshine which could give you lead poisoning, the rise of or increase of organized crime (Baby Faced Nelson for one), illegally made alcohol which was transported for sale, increased gun running and prostitution. The willingness to pull out a Tommy gun and shoot at (to kill) pursuing police to protect the syndicate.

jane bragg, at least that way won't damage your lungs. I have 13 herniated discs, spurs on both sides of every vertebrae, I have muscle spasms so bad my back stays bruised, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis in neck, back , knees, shoulders. I also have very bad osteoporosis. I'm a vet and "because of the opioid crisis" they will not give pain medication. Heating pads, ice packs, tens units, acupuncture, physical therapy, and aqua therapy have not fixed the pain. unfortunately I can't even have the nerves in my spine burned to stop the pain because the nerve blocks(shots in the same nerves that would be burned did not stop the pain. so unfortunately surgery is not the answer to my problems. I wish it was. I've suffered with this for 40 years it started with one herniated disc to now 13 and according to doctors will only continue to get worse. .

With a look at History a great many in USA were looking to right the wrong of Alcohol right after all of the widows of the Civil War blaming booze for a great many of Society’s ills coupled with the Victorian era mixing with the Age of Enlightenment something had to give
There was a great Religious Right Priest n other Clergy who firmly believed that dry or Temperance was the thing!!
The social experiment failed miserably as the Mob filled in the desire on a grand scale and the rest they say is sad HISTORY

cunnynghamcg, one thing I know is all of it wears off and the pain is worse. I have crohns and it's no joke. Hopefully one day all our pain will be gone.

doxierescued, I totally agree with you 100%

hungry wolf, I'll drink to that.

SilverDreameater9011, actually it raised the price of dried fruit

Redeemed 2001, I hate laws about cornucopia

Linda Anne
I have fibro also and chronic fatigue immune dysfunctional syndrome..
and lyme..I know pain so well. and even when not ill, I did not judge others. because if someone doesn't walk in those shoes, we have no idea what one goes through.

Player #45505475
Capone 21st birthday was within days of prohibition becoming the law of the land. Poor guy >~ with nature and nurture working together his career path was set out like a red carpet. Not excusing bad behavior by any means ~~ just a quirky historical juxtaposition. PeÅce and thank you.

jane bragg
doxierescued, there are surgeries that can be done to alleviate pain especially if it's in the spine there is drugs that could help besides marijuana but if I were to do it I would eat it in a brownie

Player #11249894, Hemlock is a plant that grows in the ground. If God didn't want it, it wouldn't be found.

Player #13023389
I worked in a bar in N Myrtle Beach that had lockers 4 alcohol. Debby

Occasionally drink a Inka an not blast to fast! Don't say I didn't warn ya...😉

Player #22062317
Why can't they pinch the nerve that paralyzed you .even partially paralyzed beats constant pain doesn't it.

I wish in today world they would do away with all commercial on TV would it leads the your generation to think its a great way to have fun. They did away with smoking cigarettes ads

Nashville Bound
Player Tystyx, 😂😂😜😂😄🌸

Nashville Bound
mermaidmessiah, true and funny😄

Player #15356356
doxierescued, I think cannabis and pain meds are better then alochol and tobacco. Nowadays the things that kill the most are legal if you are old enough.

Only the Sale or Distribution was banned. Not alcohol or the consumption of it.

as jim gaffigan once said,:"..when you're young it's to try & be cool, in your twenties it's to have the courage to talk to the opposite sex, & in your thirties beyond- it's the only reason why I like being alive!" ..haha! do true ;)

Player #14057627
Player #10348520, thanks for saying it for me...

Player #8400550, I have fibro, too. Don't presume to know what you are talking about. In other words, shut your trap if you don't have it. i have been fighting this for 35 years. There is no simple cure.

the worst drug ever