The Twenty-One Demands were sent from Japan to which other country in 1915?
Correct answer: China

Does anybody else like finding long comment threads this far in the game? There's usually an amusing, bitchy argument to entertain!

Why does it only show me a handful of comments? I know there are a lot more than what they are showing me.

Player Elf Counsel, yes, just like we were calling Stalin "Uncle Joe" during WWII, but then right after, Russia became the enemy. The world powers always need a bad guy to concentrate on to distract from their own problems and churn out money in the war machine.

Player Elf Counsel
SAC69, Yes. Yesterday's enemy. But in the First World War they were allies of Britain. China was our ally in the Second. War is just crazy.

Lorraine4748, you and your bible scholar left out Christians. There was plenty of torture and murder as they tried to get people to bow down to their beliefs. Or do you think that's justified because they happen to match yours?

brooksy92491, I love learning this stuff

IllustratedGrrl, Preach it, sister! The Crusades were just one bit in history illustrating how horrible Christianity can be!!

3/5 Black Knight, they may be facts now, but if any of them offend any liberals the facts will be stricken from the history books.

Player Elf Counsel, politics makes strange bedfellows

Lorraine4748, that interpretation of the Bible takes alot of imagination.

reflogdab, you have to remember, history is decided by the winner in any conflict. if the Germans had won, Churchill would have been labelled a war criminal for, amongst other things, ordering the bombing Dresden and allowing Coventry to be bombed

Anxiety Salsa
wesley, thank you I'm was waiting for someone to mention unit 731 in world war II

The problem with history is it is normally written by the victor. There could be loads of stuff that has happened that we don’t know about because the oppressed were no longer to write about it

Japan took a full measure of revenge at Nanjing in 1937. Japanese soldiers conducted an orgy of rape and murder that left 300,000 unarmed Chinese peasants dead, and the rivers running red with blood.

A couple decades later Japan revisited China and was anything but nice.

IrrelevantMentality3, idk for sure. I often see comments directed to people whose original comments I can't find. I can only speculate that a moderator has come through and deleted com ents that they deemed to be against the rules for whatever reason.

IrrelevantMentality3, it would become a different and it would take too long to play(read)

Player Mari
I see a parallel to the treatment of Germany after WW1.

Zo Zo
mrknowitall63, I like the new rule of black agaist white as if the Irishand Scotish have not been abused enough by the roman world order- ie colonialism.

In my opinion, China should have just colonised Japan back in the first century, before japan became too powerful. Instead they chose to have a bloody civil war that set china back 400 years of progression. No one then could have thought that the sparsely populated clunk of islands would one day invade manchuria, and with it half of eastern china.

Player #5100533
IrrelevantMentality3, Some one earlier explained, that when people delete the Ap. Their comments go with them. But, That's just what I heard.

Did you know, that Japanese men are better at peeling Oranges in their Pockets than Chinese men. Apparently Chinese men have shorter Arms. I found that fact an Encyclopedia from the 1950's.

great info!!!

TravellingHat, however I am infact an expert swordsperson and I did pilot a space shuttle.