What does a hertz unit measure?
Correct answer: Frequency

Player #2435287alice
Player #2924773, I knew it from somewhere but don’t know where. It always amazes me the tidbits I have in the corners of my brain!

3/5 Black Knight
I am a retired electrician. This was common knowledge to me.

As an electrician this one was easy. A/C or Alternating Current is 50Hz in Australia

Fascinating. lm forever delighted and inspired by snippets of random info out there to be learnt.

Mujahid Mohideen R
Musaka, No.We don't remember everything we learn in school.For electrician it's like a piece of cake as he is professional in it.He has better knowledge at it than random students who study in school lol.

Mujahid Mohideen R
Nice.Glad to learn about
Hertz in a simple and brief manner.

This was taught in middle school, along with amperes, ohms, watts, etc.

aisyah bigboss
im studying physic so this is common for me

Player #25874027
Little Saint,
It’s both

Your destiny ❤
Studied it in 5th grade 💙💯🤗

Player #9914179
FACTCHECKER, oh that Hertz!

FACTCHECKER, I like that, very witty, like your user-name too, it just about describes me.

Player #2924773, If you are then I am the second.

Player #2924773
Anyone knew this? Or am I the first to answer? 😂