Norman Manley International Airport serves which national capital?
Correct answer: Kingston

Wow, Toronto isn't even a national capital but it's somehow second...

JezzerLX, maybe we're meant to know it's not a capital city and so not choose that one.

Xalver, they don't say it is a capital city! They reduced the options for us 😁

I accidentally put "during MARLEY'S tenure instead of Manley...Heck. Bob Marley WAS JAMAICA'S "gnp" (gross national product) responsible for keeping Jamaica afloat, if I recall, Bob Marley was 1/3 of the wealth of the entire island, may have been more than that!

My Uncle Vernon Lopez was a magistrate judge who entertained Queen Elizabeth/Princess Margaret & entourage on family property when they visited. During Marley's tenure, many tried to sneak money & possessions to the US & leave country...Manley seized everything & stopped many from fleeing including my relatives...Manleys years in office, were very rough years for Jamaicans...He was elected for his charisma & good looks.

Frito77, the question was national capital, so that would mean Ottawa in Canada

Xalver, they are just slow sometimes!! still a good game though, real good!!