How long can a snail sleep?
Correct answer: Three years
Wow awesome
No wonder they are so slow.
Player #9880587
how do they know that he is asleep? maybe snails snore
When my daughter was little, we kept some garden snails as pets. They're so much more fascinating than I'd ever imagined! We read that snails can die from boredom. Yep, let that one sink in.
Mujahid Mohideen R
God has created such variety of species.Each have their unique specialities.God is Great.
Sounds like my teenage daughter lol
rover 41
These level 3 questions are hard !
I want to be a snail 😁
Guillermo Jr.
I bet the adolescent male snails can sleep even longer..
Mujahid Mohideen R
Blooply, Yeah.Questions are just random irrespective of the difficulty.
Player #137846770
Snails can have between 1,000 and 30,000 teeth in their lifetime. I once had a snail that re-arranged the stones in his tank. A line, a circle and a triangle. As God is my Witness, this is true. This was 40 years ago.
Player #120374466
Scotti, If you live in most parts of California, I don't think there's any danger of snails getting bored. 😁
smarty pants, Yes! sleepy they are ready to catch. when awake they run too fast! 😂😂
Cam Pos
Woww...I didn't know that.
I'd like to sleep for a full night just saying
Phoenix 1000
Player #9880587, They leave a siign out Do not 🚭 Disturb 😅
smarty pants
ls that why some people eat them they're easy to catch.
Slimy little creatures!🐌