What are the family names of the two featured families in the TV series "SOAP"?
Correct answer: The Tates and The Campbells

one of the most underrated funny shows ever!!!!!!!

Loved it all those years ago

Funny show

Rand Al'Thor
When Danny was on trial and the dummy went flying out the court room window and you could hear that scream slowly fading away I laughed till it hurt my ribs! 😂

Hilarious show!

One of the best shows ever!

Part of the triad. Mary Hartman Mary Hartman, Fernwood 2 Night, and Soap.

Player #21480634
love this show! no bad actors in the entire cast!

Rand Al'Thor, when he lost his dummy and. picked up the grapefruit to use to act for the dummy chuck

Loved this show, although I had to sneak watch it because my mother wouldn’t let me watch it!

I love that show! I bought the entire series!

I still see it on Tubi

The show was hysterical! And, it introduced Billy Crystal to the world of show business.

Sackbut, still watch it most nights in reruns and have the dvds

toe jam
l had a crush on the teen age son, when I was a teenager.

Player #33384300
The only show I actually laughed out loud to.

Player #18921443noreen
RushMama2112, what does this have to do with the question?

Player #23251608
HALFPINT, I was just thinking the same thing.

Player #3803276, Please! I just got a question about an MOP, an Icelandic parliament and a Caribbean capitol.

Player #3803276, this was shown in the uk

Player #3803276
CaptainLoserNumero1, Totally agree. This game is marketed to a world wide customer base but its distribution should be limited to the US as many questions require a knowledge of TV shows or movies that may never have been shown in other countries.