Why did Napoleon sell the United States the Louisiana territory in the early 1800s?
Correct answer: Fund military for renewed war with U.K.

Yellow fever from mosquitos could've factored into the low price sale of the Louisiana Purchase. Napoleon’s brother-in-law, General Charles Leclerc had to contend with yellow fever from mosquitos. The general wrote to Bonaparte that more men were needed from France – he estimated his 20,000-man force would dwindle to 4,000 in just a few months because the disease was killing 100-120 men per day. In fact, Leclerc himself would die of Yellow Fever on November 2, 1802.

Isn't it amazing how things have developed over time. I'm still fascinated by it every day!

Thank you Haiti!!!

I don’t know why but it made me think of a fabulous movie. “Arsenic & Old Lace”. If you’ve never seen it you’re in gut a treat!

For the time of this purchase; it was good for the USA. Some areas currently suffer from the low sea level and hurricane s.