What is a Mayhaw?
Correct answer: A fruit to make jelly

Alenna. vgea,
They look like small crabapples or cranberries! They have a taste that is tart and fruity, they are too tart to eat by themselves so people make jelly out of them! 😊

Player dwelsh113
quicksilver, I spent most of my life in a small town only a stones throw from Caddo lake. The lake is the largest natural lake in Texas, it's my favorite lake, and full of Spanish moss and wildlife and Cypress trees. Oh and mayhaw jelly is amazing, I wish I had some now.

you can buy the jelly at roadside stands in east Texas

Alenna. vgea
OldYank420, what does it taste like. Does someone know

Player #4355392
Felicity, True. If is yhe fruit of the tree.

DUFF, Delicious

OldYank420, Mayhaw jelly is not made from the tree.

OldYank420, Calm down.

Rissa Firecat
Had to guess on this one!