What is called Boötes void?
Correct answer: A large ‘empty space’ in the universe

Babette Schwartz
Remind me not to go there for my vacation.

Player #2893684
tystyx, A light year is a unit of distance. Earth is 25,000 light years from the center of the Milky Way. That means it would take light 25,000 years to reach the center. No division is necessary.

WOW really puts some perspective on your perception, doesn't it? lol

Shelby Johnson
So for anyone who believes that we are the ONLY intelligent life in the universe, just re-read this section. All that space, with all those planets... if we are the only intelligent life in the whole universe then that is the biggest waste of space ever!

ur, human visitors to empty space halfway between our galaxy and the next would also "have no starscape to gaze upon", only a few local galaxies would be visible as each were a star . our star scape exists because we are inside a galaxy ... ( the word galaxy is actually greek for milky. )

the "endless " !!!void from Battle star Galactica

Space scares me. 😱

Player #120374466
The point being is that universe is so infathonable and vast that it speaks of a grand Creator who existed before this material universe

Shelby Johnson, proper💯

Shelby Johnson, You're so right...it's not logical to think Earth is the only planet with life forms.

Thanks JodobeHD

Maybe there's a wormhole in the middle!!??

Player Gigi #28446253
Player #18313819, Easily attainable by dying!

Player Gigi #28446253
Player #32567393, And that times 25,000 just to the center of our galaxy. We have plenty of room to grow lol 😆

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
I worked out how many miles in 1 light year by a series of multiplications at school. The answer is:-
5,865,696,000,000. 😎

Player #33034991
Player # there's three which one u on about

Player #2893684, in

Player elguapo
Player #2893684, parsecs


Freaks me out

Player #2695641, p

Player #2695641