What is the opposite of an Acid?
Correct answer: Base

The opposite of acid is alkaline.

Montana Lady
MarzipanTaurus4673, that's the opposite of acidic, not the opposite of an acid. The difference being that if something is alkaline or acidic it is in a solution, where an an acid or a base is not always a liquid. A minor but important detail.

MarzipanTaurus4673, alkalinity is the opposite of acidity, a base is the opposite of an acid

2gameORnot2game4mE, please don’t patronise, this is trivia!!! We are here for fun not to mock. All through primary and high school we were taught the opposite of an acid was alkali! Depends on where your taught (uk) and your teacher! Not necessarily the student. Good info though, learn something new everyday with this game 😀

Player dwelsh113, I learned alkaline at school and didn't hear the word base in this context. I live in the UK, so that is probably the reason.

Player #8297262
once I had a little dog, alas he is no more. what he took for H2O was H2SO4

Yeah I have to say like some of the other comments I was always taught that the opposite of acid was alkaline. Base was always PH7 so neutral and neither acid or alkaline

If anyone can take in this explanation, they are a better man than I am, Ghunga Dinn! (And please don't criticise my spelling, at least I am being erudite with the quote! Ha ha! - the English equivalent to "lol".)

Little Saint, Yeah! but alkiline was'nt in options.

Player #16702581
Montana Lady, thank you for explaining this in very simple terms. I was thinking this when reading question.

Player dwelsh113
Joey2407, We learn base in nursing school.

MarzipanTaurus4673, the opposite of acid is alkali.

Alkali is the correct answer

Player #4355392
MarzipanTaurus4673, both terms are cotrect

Missy K
I make natural soap from scratch, love to saponify lye and vegetable oils. In the first few months of making soap, some lye slipped into my glove, I rinsed it, but not fast enough. Turned my skin to goop, still have a small scar.

MarzipanTaurus4673, yeah. That's what I thought too 🤔

MarzipanTaurus4673, I would have said that too.

WiseLevel27624, YES, the opposite of acid is alkaline.

MarzipanTaurus4673, No.
