Where in your body would you find the rods and cones?
Correct answer: Eyes

Player #2326344
teezee7890, not every player is American

Gamesfan, "Many of the differences between American and British English date back to a time before spelling standards were developed. For instance, some spellings seen as "American" today were once commonly used in Britain, and some spellings seen as "British" were once commonly used in the United States. A "British standard" began to emerge following the 1755 publication of Samuel Johnson's 'A Dictionary of the English Language', and an "American standard" started following the work of Noah Webster and, in particular, his 'An American Dictionary of the English Language', first published in 1828. Webster's efforts at spelling reform were somewhat effective in his native country, resulting in certain well-known patterns of spelling differences between the American and British varieties of English." - from Wikipedia, "American and British English spelling differences"

It's colour not color

navya tyagi
Player #2326344, yes it's right

Elfcounsel, that's why I didn't do anatomy

Player #2536847, I did and I was born in England... but a long time ago. I don't know if they still teach it. We actually had a sheep's eye to disect. Great fun!

silly millie
Player #2536847,