What is the process by which plants absorb liquid through roots called?

Correct answer: Osmosis

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Player #3249686
Player #3249686
I guessed osmosis because I use some plant food called Osmocote
:(Nancy E):
:(Nancy E):
Ads that freeze the game are annoying. I have to reboot the game to continue playing. How is a complete annoyance an enticement to buy something? Hint to game developers: I never buy something that interrupts my game and makes me angry.
Osmosis is only for water. Other liquids is diffusion. The question asks about liquids.
Player #MaritimeCY
Player #MaritimeCY
Another Greek word!
FACTCHECKER, Great movie title. You write the screen play, and I will do the editing. ☺
Player #4872942
Player #4872942
LeoTrina14, me too