What is the trademark piece of Valdivia Culture?
Correct answer: Venus

Badly phrased question. How can a South American culture have Roman God as its trademark?

very bad question

"The reference to 'Venus" is metaphorical, since the figurines predate the mythological figure of Venus by many thousands of years."
(E.g.: Venus of Willendorf)

Laudy Miss Claudy
Perhaps the "trademark" of the stoneware would be better discribed as "Woman" instead of Venus.

Archaeologically a Venus figurine is any statuette portraying a freestanding woman ,dating from around 11,000 to 26,000 years ago. ( look up Venus of Willendorf for an example) So,while they may be prehistoric they do not come from the right period to be termed Venus figurines.

SloaneRanger2019, yes obviously it's not Venus, was possibly matriarchal society? Interesting as I haven't heard of them before 😁😃