As of 2019, who was the last U. S. President to serve in combat?
Correct answer: George H W Bush

if you're gonna send people to war, you should have had to serve your country.

Player #1659406 TRE
Ike Eisenhower was in charge of the WWII, sending all military, troops, and our women, who flew plane's on a mission. These women finally got their rewards finally, good work to all who fought in this war. I was born on December 15, 1946,and my Father who fought in the occupation of Japan and Germany, 2 death marches, was married to my mother on December 24, 1945. My father, had what we call PTSD, when he went to the beginning of Korean Conflict, is what they called it at the time. He came home for a rest and relaxation,.Very interesting was he slept with his eyes open, what a surprise for me when I tiptoed past my parents to go to the bathroom, well, what a surprise as I went over the banister. Off to the West Point Army Hospital, at USMA, West Point ,New York. I do not remember much, my father would not leave my side in the Hospital. The rug was taken up and took care of the wooden floor going to the bathroom, lol.He recieved many Metals, from WWII ,Korea, and Vietnam, Honor,Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and many others. He was a Sniper, found out by accident. My Father's name was Theodore Roosevelt Baker, Jr., I almost had that name, but I am a female, born with a Veil, cord, and wrapped around my neck, not breathing, and brought me in to my parent's, family, friends. Unwrapped me saw all the bruises, they told my parents what happened and my father said Oh what a TREASURE. Thankfully that is my name.Love to all who serve too Protect us, mostly our men

Perhaps serving our country needs to become a prerequisite for the Presidency.

RIP George Bush

Toots, it needs to be a prerequisite for our youth cause until u serve u will never know what they went through or experienced. God Bless all who have served and who will!!

Amazing facts about our presidents!

Player #2931161
Carter served on Nuclear Submarines during the "cold war"....anyone familiar with submarine duty during this time knows, although not "seen" or discussed, it was 100% shots fired combat duty

Player #9679258
carter was very involved in our navy and in nuclear advances.

if military service were required, as I think it should be ... we wouldn't have had our current president, Clinton or Obama.
Yeah it should definitely be required...!

Player #28626335
Player #26952052, Amazing how Joe's asthma allowed him to be a star athlete, yet was bad enough for deferments.

FiannaFianna, HW was in reserves, not actual combat.

Player #137846770
Let's be like Israel. All men and women must serve in the I D F.

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Rawkzilla, amen ๐!!!!!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Almighty70, amen ๐!!!!!

I like him๐บ๐ธ

this is wrong. George H. W. Bush died in 2018. so the last US President toserve in combat AS OF 2019, is Jimmy Carter. ๐

no politician cares for you or me. none. zero

IT? should be mandatory that the candidate serve the nation he/she wants to lead! IT would help the returning veterans plight! You sent them there; donโt abandon them upon their return (those who do)! The tools they will need have nothing to do with weapons!


Deftleigh Daft, Actually, that was John Glenn. Not Chuck Yeager. Both men served in the Marine Corps. Chuck Yeager was Air Force.

Deftleigh Daft
Another interesting fact, though not directly related to this question: Chuck Yeager had Ted Williams for a wingman!

Player #28626335
J2thaLO, So then Joe qualifies as a draft dodger with his fake deferments. Right?

Player #28626335
Uninitialized, Guess how many deferments Joe got for fake asthma?

Player #26952052
Uninitialized, I have bone spurs. It is a somewhat debilitating condition.

Player #6723658
J2thaLO, He's a selfish, unpatriotic coward.

Player #6723658
Toots, It definitely should not. Those who have proven to work for peace, maybe.

Player #9495659
ByeByeBobby, Or at the very least respect them, rather then degrade them, as Trump has done at least once.

ByeByeBobby, agree

The world is not the same without Timberwolf.

I was correct on the last question.John Wayne was born in Iowa. The town is called Winterset Iowa.

Toots, agree!

Player #1659406 TRE, Gods blessings to you, and your family.