Which US State has the motto "God Enriches"?
Correct answer: Arizona

Answer is blatantly present in picture.

Thank God for the picture. Who knew?

I don't think we all have the same picture just words in mine

Player #45549228
Gem-kat1, you can change difficulty in settings to receive visual clues etc

Player #5344198
AlyxOfTroy, I can assure you, in this new format started today on my phone, I had no picture at all. frustrating. btw... boasting re getting a correct answer is fair. no need to belittle others.

No answer or flag for me either...bummer!

Player Turtle Rox
charlieCamp, All I had was some words too. No picture or outline of Arizona at all. I never have had pictures when other people did. No easy answers for me.

who could get that wrong lol

Player #4055721
could not make out the answer in the picture. learned something. 😳

Rand Al'Thor
The picture showed the motto, the state cutout with the state flag on it, and the word Arizona under it. I wonder what the answer could be? lol

lostiaz, Don't worry, you didn't miss anything. Some of us got a totally different picture. The one I got was a picture of the Arizona flag superimposed onto a cutout shape of the State of Arizona. And then, if that wasn't enough, the word Arizona was written in the corner. Yeah, some of us got help we didn't ask for!

How does the picture of the words Didas Deus, give the answer of Arizona? OR maybe there are different levels to the question and you all opted for the easy questions? Or I've completely missed something!

How could that many ppl answer wrong when the answer is in the question...

Whylean1961, haha

AlyxOfTroy, right?!?