Which of these people has not been portrayed by Val Kilmer in a film?
Correct answer: Jesus Christ

Player Ejag
Thought his performance in Tombstone as Doc Holliday was very impressive!š

It's Me
so sad to hear of his suffering...praying for his health

His a very talented actor. What he did with his,part as Jim Morrison in The Doors should have won an Oscar. He did the vocals and became the embodiment of Morrison. I wasnt really a fan until I saw that movie. I didn't know he was ill. I will pray for him.

His Doc Holiday was AMAZING, but I first fell in love with him as Mad Martigan in Willow.

"I'll be your huckleberry."

Pittsburgh/Florida G
He is going to be in the Top Gun sequel with Tom Cruise.

Player #1418135
Yes we are praying for him. Love him in Tombstone

this explains why he has put on some weight recently...chimo does this
God's blessings to you

Chrono Neko
He was also Bruce Wayne /Batman in Batman Forever (my favorite batman )

May God heal him.

Player Ejag, I'll be your huckleberry.

Player #119976463
Player Ejag, he has since, passed away.

Ken, hucklebearer, pallbearer

" I'm your huckleberry " in earlier versions, it was " I'm your daisy. & " You're a daisy if you do." A daisy was someone proficient in an ability.

JimmyLovesQL, it's I'M your huckleberry."

Should have won an Oscar for his portal of Jim Morrison and Doc Holladay

Alexandra Kendall
Player Ejag, I'll be your huckleberry

maggiemylove, Me too!! Loved him in that!

Player #21374632
Player Ejag, A great actor. And a good man,,love him,,

Player #7432266
Player #5555, "i'm your huckleberry.". great movie Tombstone.

Player #16973323
And he was in Heat...one of the bad guys that wasn't killed or caught

Player #16973323
Player #10902994, yes watch the movie

Roma Naclef
No mention of "Real Genius"? That was my favorite comedy as a kid.

Player #10902994
the spirit of Elvis?

Poker isn't your game tonight Ike let's have a spelling contest!

he played elvis in the movie true romance. it was more of a cameo. Christian Slater's imaginary friend lol

Had no idea he played Elvis.

Player #8105446
Player Ejag, I thought he deserved an Oscar. I love this movie.

Luv u V. š

He was also. in Real Genius and Willow.

Toots, Amen

smileyface6150, yeah me to . I had wondered what happened to him

yes you can go to park

Jennefer Werkrei
Player Ejag, Iām your Huckleberry