What is narcolepsy?
Correct answer: Inability to control sleep/wake cycles

My son has Narcolepsy.
He really does struggle to manage it, but his medication helps.
There is currently no know cure but research into stem cell therapy is being discussed.

Davy, Livingston, He wasn’t taking meds for it? It’s dangerous and as a fellow narcoleptic, I wouldn’t let kids ride with a narcoleptic who isn’t taking meds.

kelloggs 4791
my mother has narcolepsy and I'm scared to get in the car with her. she once fell asleep while driving and ended up in a cornfield.

I have narcolepsy and it’s very much like described above but I also find myself wandering most nights. I’m on better medication now and at least not taking Xyrem anymore- never again!!

Patch, smoking marijuana can help him

Patch, find a certified integrative medicine practitioner

My Mom can't sleep more then 1 hour in a day. What's the name of this disease?

Awoyale Emmanuel
I have it though I had to use 50% hint to get the answer.

ZyggyStardust, you made me laugh,thanks,I needed that,rough week so far and today is only Wednesday

I use to have it!!