Which country had a police force called the Tonton Macoutes?

Correct answer: Haiti

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Player #13286156
Player #13286156
Papa Doc used to have people poisoned with blow fish venom, their death certificates would be state sanctioned and the funerals were hurried through before they recovered. They would awaken buried in a coffin only to be dug up by the Tonton Makout and told Papa had their souls. Since everyone in their families or who knew them had seen them buried everyone believed they were zombies including themselves, they would be promised their souls back if they did what they were told. The Zombie Tonton Makout were hitmen for Papa Doc who had no fear and would do anything since they believed they were already dead.
Player #13286156, sad but thankyou for sharing the knowledge.
Player #97184361, the biggest voodoo practitioners are in the usa
Player #97184361
Player #97184361
Foncilla, practising voodoo didn’t help much it’s still turmoil in the land. ! ! !
They did way worse than that. I won't get into it.
The Haitian slave revolt was draining Napoleon’s coffers, so he gave up on holding Haiti as a French colony. Haitian slaves are the only slaves in the world to have won their freedom through armed revolt.