In the Bible, who was the third son of Adam and Eve?
Correct answer: Seth

Laudy Miss Claudy
So did Seth and Cain have children with their own sisters?

Player milly
what a load of tosh all religions are lol.. man made books for man, you can believe in a divine power without labelling yourself to anyone religion 🤗👀

I'm Jewish but I don't take everything literally in the Torah (old testament), Perhaps the measure of time was different in those days anyway!

Lady V
Player #2442162, "in fact"... lol. It's called faith because you have to believe in it, not because it's a factual story.

Player Elf Counsel
raad816, Actually, the Bible says that after murdering Abel Cain went out into the Land of Nod and knew his wife. Apparently there were other people around as this was before Seth was born. Sounds like God didn't stop at Adam and Eve.

love the knowledge..

Player Elf Council
Laudy Miss Claudy, When Cain was sent out into the Land of Nod he knew his wife. Where did she come from? Of course, the Bible only says God created Adam and Eve first. It doesn't mention him creating other humans. But I suppose he could have carried on working after having a day of rest.

Java Man
Dragonlady, yes. incest was not taboo back then. it became taboo when God gave Moses the Law.

Player #9809468
DustyAdmiral63964, all cultures have creation myths. They are called myths because they cannot be verified either way. I don't see the description as anti anything, just objective.

Laudy Miss Claudy, it was either sex with their sisters or with her mother or both otherwise the human species would have died out if you believe

I love the way the Bible glosses over the incest part of all being one family!!!???

Paris Tuesday
it's a fairy tale folks!

Wow. People lived for grand old ages back then. Wonder what they used for botox.

Laudy Miss Claudy, often wondered that myself.

WilledGazelle9, Australian aboriginals didn't know the commandments, however they had a strict procedure so they didn't procreate with family.

Player #9809468, including the big bang myth!

J, lol, he was a gas station attendant where I came from.

Seth also frequented the Woolpack Public House in Emmerdale I used to think his hat was cool!!!

Player #97184361
UltraViolet, what you miss is both were cursed for their disobedience the payment for sinning.

Wannabe Vulcan
Laudy Miss Claudy, they'd've had to.

912 Years is way Too Long to Live. man what do you find to do for all those Years besides Just get Bored Repeating things over & over again.

Player #51370184, mm according to the Bible he was Adam and Eve's first born son so if you believe everything else in it don't try to bring another fictional figure(Satan) into it to try to divert blame.

Laudy Well they must have. Only we are not supposed to be that clever to work it out, and no one speaks of it. Shush.

That boy got it on at one hundred and thirty years old and eve telling him to go lay down somewhere lol

Player Elf Council, "Knew" in the Bible often refers to sexual relations. That's why there's a saying about "knowing someone in the Biblical sense."

Player #12981006
MadMarcus1812, There were 8 people in the Ark: Noah and his wife and their 3 sons and thrir wives. He was married already.

Player #16702581
The description states that Adam and Eve are a creation myth. Should read.. according to the bible.

Player #19877279
Laudy Miss Claudy, and perhaps their mother too.

To those of us who are not Christian the bible is definitely myth.

Binni ji,
Are you saying that it makes sense to children that the sons of Adam & Eve had no one to have sexual with other than their own family members?

Player milly, voted thumbs down.. despite excellent use of the word "tosh"..

Player #25874027
Perhaps some of the righteous survived.

Player #25874027
Player Elf Council,
Don’t know that exact passage but “knew” in the Bible is something else.

Player Elf Council, he is God why does he need a rest

Binni ji
before modern education it must have been hard for people of knowledge to communicate their ideas - maybe that's why the Bible is so strange to us now.. to a child it makes sense

Player xyz
first time heard of this

you have to remember that the laws of God or the ten commandments, were not in existence. So the act of brother and sister having children, was no sin. also you had Angels that mated with the human woman. the offspring were called the Nephillum.

Player #6852065
Player #6501471, they ate all natural foods, no chemicals.

Player #5710744, or maybe it doesn't tell us the whole story. anyway, there was no such thing as incest then, nobody had yet said it was wrong.