Which family of plants does the plum belong to?
Correct answer: Rose
There's a poem by Robert Frost called "The Rose Family" which begins with the words "A rose is a rose
and was always
a rose
but the theory
now goes
that the apples
a rose
and so's the
peach and plum
I suppose".
a rose
and so's
Player #1137636
Cool! didnt know strawberries were a part of the Rose family... pears or plums, either!!
great info!
Player #10639782
"I'm plum tuckered out"😄
Player Elf Council
preet, Had a plum tree in our garden in Victoria. So juicy you had to stand over the sink to eat one.
A prune by any other name would taste as sweet?
Gary, That sounds more like Ogden Nash!
No mention of dried plums(prunes)
Player #62752956
Player #1137636, or apples!
Player #15188857
Gary, Ty, never heard the whole poem.
Player #5920261
mammy1027, Cool