What is the world's largest city not to be situated on a river, lake, or coastline?
Correct answer: Johannesburg

Player #5409022
HISIGN, Africa is NOT a country. It is a continent. Africa has over 50 countries, including South Africa. Unfortunately, due to corruption and poor management, millions of Africans are extremely poor, regardless of the “so called” wealth.

Player #11530857
HISIGN, ya, in fact Africa should have been given the title of been the wealthiest continent in the world, due to the vast amount of natural minerals found on this continent. Sadly some people in the 1st world countries have the resources to read up about us Africans, but fail to do so.

HISIGN, educated population of this world gets to see all aspects of any continent. Africa is not A country. Each region has its ups and downs, same in Europe or elsewhere. Keep and try to show the better side of what you love and care about.

Player #25874027
Player #7106191,
Whereas now the indigent leaders do extremely well, the indigent people die

Player #5409022, 2019 A lot of those countries fared better under colonialism.

Player #5409022, it says country!

Gary_Melbourne, South Africa always had three capital cities, with the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government based in Pretoria, Bloemfontein, and Cape Town

JeanRoux, to the north side, the Jukskei River runs through several suburbs, feeding into the crocodile and then into the Limpopo. To the south the the Klip River feeds into the Vaal river and then into the Orange river.

Player #66817220
Gary_Melbourne, ending apartheid was "unnecessary"?!

I don't recall any rivers feeding the Orange or Limpopo rivers, maybe the Olifants and the Valley river

Poorly worded question

Player #5409022, it doesn't say Africa is a country. It says southern Africa.

Player #5409022, he said south Africa not africa..lol