What is the theme song from the movie "Gone With The Wind"?
Correct answer: Tara's Theme

Player Elf Counsel
Great film. Lovely music.

one of my favorite movie of all time.

Player Elf Counsel, one if the best of all time!!

Player #2215509
My favorite book and movie.

Tracy Goodwin
Purple Kitty, You owe it to yourself to see this magnificient movie, soon.

Player #598872
ChewyGazelle68623, one of my favorite movies

Melode, I believe the quote was, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

Great movie .. great cast and Music… the actor who played Scarlett’s Father also played Uncle Billy in its a wonderful life.. I think his name was Thomas Mitchell

Ana Maria
Scarlett was special, strong, resilient

My favorite movie.

I'm surprised Hollywood let that phrase stay in. Frankly my dear I don't give a darn. Best line in the movie. I don't know if it was in the book.

Player #2215509, Scarlett is so much more interesting in the book-a 15 year-old learning to fend for herself!

Player #16702581
yes .. they took it out of some streaming services saying it glorifies slavery. with all this history being removed...history is bound to repeat itself..hmm can you imagine 100 yrs. from now children never knowing anything about slavery because all the books,statues, etc. gone!

Player #16702581
if I remember correctly..
there is some controversy over the movie now because of slavery. gonna look it up

Never heard the words. Seen the movie several times though.