The card game bezique originated in which country?
Correct answer: France

Interesting. First I've ever heard of this game. Must not be played much in North America.

never heard of it!

I know this game! I've played it in India. Apparently, some merchants brought it to India from France two centuries ago. The version I know uses 4 packs x 32 cards, so 128 cards. Played in teams of two V two, so 4 players, it's quite a cool game with a while suite of strategies involved, excuse the pun

excellent game!

Player #Meg
I enjoy playing this game with my daughters.

my dad tried to teach me to play it, but he died before I could get to grasps with it...RIP dear Papa

Player #27643412
wwieg1955, It was commonly played in French & countries that were annexed by France..
My grandma's neighbor used to play it, it was far too hard for a 5 year old to grasp..

Player #3183188
Aqswaerfgtft678778999 was a 90rccdtggbmkm in nn

wwieg1955, Read historical novels, especially Regency period, and you'll find it all the time.