Which fruit was known to the ancients as "fruit of the gods"?
Correct answer: Persimmon

Player #2403277
LittleDucky52, we call it Kaki fruit in the Netherlands.

Isabella Alessi
It’s also known as Sharon Fruit and tastes lovely but only if it is ripe. It’s a taste can be a bit like mango and something else.. hard to describe but beautiful

Isabella Alessi, the Japanese variety doesn't have to be totally soft to enjoy. I like them when they are a little crunchy. squirrels have taken a liking to ours and steal them off the tree before we can pick them!

Love it

Player #29226304
* Seshati *, actually the bible doesn't mention what fruit it was, just that it was from the tree of knowledge of good and bad.

Isabella Alessi
Player #1443721, yes if unripe. I had one which was unripe and it was truly bad... dried my mouth out

ted, your problem is assuming that they are referring to the Greek God's, if you open your mind to other cultures you would find that the persimmon is known as 'the fruit of the God's' by the Chinese, where the fruit come from.

In Italy, we also call it kaki

I have NEVER tasted this in my life I must at least try it this year during summer

Isabella Alessi, fuyu kind can be eaten before it gets soft. It tastes less sweet and crunchy.

I have heard that the persimmon needs a frost in order to develope its optimum sugar content and reduce the pucker effect.

Uninitialized, only if you are talking about the Greek God's though since in China where they were called Fruit of the Gods they might disagree with you🤷♂️

Kaki lol Never been to Netherlands

persimmon was known to nobody. ambrosia and nectar was food and drink for the gods and only if you believe that kind of things.

Player #14000764
the area I live in south east in the United States. We call Simmon tree. Sweet brown plum shaped fruit ripens during autumn, only when they fall to the ground.

Player #14000764
I heard of a tree that had fruit that when it fell off the trees it was ripe,the ones in my area have seeds the taste is good sort of like a prune. We called the fruit tree simmon tree. Oh the color of the fruit is brown and sharp like a plum.

Uninitialized, oh wait...l will just whip out and ask one of the ancient Greeks..

Player #27176091
Player #3366575, make them into a pulp. Make cookies or persimmon pudding. We hunt for them in the fall. Very good! One of my favorite. In Indiana!

according to the ancient Greeks the real answer is pomegranate not persimmon wish one day they'd actually get it right on this game

Player #3532789
Isabella Alessi, I have heard of a Sharon Fruit, but not the name they called it, somI guessed, wrongly!!!

Player #3366575
Player #5572730, how do you cook with a persimmon?

Greeks love their persimmons!!!