What is a "cable length" in terms of nautical measurement?
Correct answer: One tenth of a nautical mile
great info!
ChargingEnigma1592, Knots are nautical miles per hour, so "knots per hour" is redundant.
If I am not mistaken, a knot IS one nautical mile per hour so knots per hour does not (scuse the pun) make sense.
Ayesha , I agree....I answer some of the question without reading I just press the longer answer
Longest answer = right answer
the trick for questions like this is to always choose the answer that's the odd one out
QuizzLand Champ
This was a little easy
Player #12747885
Scottish Fraulein, Not true.
Diver Dan, 6,076 feet actually but 2k yards is always the standard for simplicity.
everything in Navigation (see the Nav in Navy) today is defined by and borrowed from His Majesty King of England, or His Daughters and Sons.