In Star Trek, where was the fictional character James Tiberius Kirk born?
Correct answer: Riverside, Iowa
Player PirateGirl
Star trek was one of my favorite shows. Kirk, Spock and Bones what a great combination of minds and adventures. They have gone where no one has gone before.
I also are worried. I have bad asthma and will likely die if I get it. All my close family are fine but my son and grandson had it but are better now. I won't leave the house but my husband takes care of shopping. Hope all are doing well with this
Centenarian, I only just discover this game and I see your comment and saw your mentioning your age. You are doing really well! Keep it up and keep playing this game.
An obtuse reference to River City, Iowa, perhaps?
Player #5201432
Sam only had one son on the episode that he died.