What is the most widely accepted explanation of the origin of the Earth's Moon?
Correct answer: Debris left from giant impact- Earth & Theia

PanhandleGuy, the moon does rotate it is tidally locked, other wise known as synchronous rotation. The tidally locked body takes just as long to rotate around its own axis as it does to revolve around its partner.

Player #8988878Xet
With all the 'stuff' smashing into each other....What used to be between Mars and Jupiter...you know...the asteroid belt?

Fun guy
Sounds like a Greek myth: fight between Theia &Gaia ..

Player #53883931, There is a universe of difference between religion and "God" the source or whom or whatever began everything. Religion is man made therefore fallible be it intentionally or not.

Tracey, God is man-made too.. just think of all the different Gods from all time..

player one.five
TonyLynsdale, Actually, the Moon rotates. Try to walk around a chair while facing the chair and you have to rotate your body. Tidally locked means that the orbital period is equal to the rotation period.

Player #49915005
Ohi, well we now acknowledge that yr a stooge !!

Player #14000764
loco, We won't lose the moon, because the one who created or made it is forever and will never die. God didn't take eons of years to create it for nothing.Everything will always be here for our benefit.

Player #14000764
Ohi, to some degree I agree. Every thing had to have a Creator, people build houses, they just don't evolve, so the moon, earth, sun, stars, planets and galaxies had to have a all wise and powerful Creator.

Player Gigi #28446253
TonyLynsdale, That is very interesting! I have wondered about that.

NotSoOldTimer(34857925), for its clear explanation of how the moon came into being? 😂

Player. Ty
The Moon is home for LUNARTIC'S

Player #4187030, how about checking out ancient Egyptian mythology about creation

Player Meyer, explain dinosaurs then!

Mohsin Bin Iqbal
The perspective vary across countries and mythologies.