Which of these birds are credited for saving Rome from the Gauls in 390BC?
Correct answer: Greylag geese

Why not a pic of the bird, instead of Rome? Just asking. And, yes I'm well aware of Googling it.
The content is always so intriguing. Thanks

Player #81701759
ZAMARIAN, you mean, why not give us the answer and ruin the quiz?

So cool. And I like that they ordered to never eat or hunt them again

lolirock and anime lover
Arohanui, read the story Arohanui.
they did it in return of saving Rome

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
Arohanui, goodbye "foie gras'

Red England
When l was a child we used to visit a common & the nearby cafe had a flock of geese as ‘guards’ they were there to alert owners at night if anyone approached but used to terrify me + siblings

nancy, they do, they squawk really loud when strangers come into your yard, my sister keeps them in her backyard, but they are terrible to eat , for me, they are very oily, greasy,,I only cooked one, lol, threw most of it in the woods behind my home,

watch geese!

How could they possibly know what Kind of geese

Guillermo Jr.
Arohanui, ... Quick! someone tell Bob Cratchit and Uncle Ebenezer!!

Steve Reekie
Player #31753367, Be better than weka or pukeko though 😉

nancy, they sure do!

an intriguing question. And the answer was most cogent.