As of 2019, what is the richest country in the world by GDP per capita?

Correct answer: Qatar

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What people think about it: 12 Comments
good for them.dont suppose they will be overly committed to reducing emissions from fossil fuels then any time soon
peakyblinder, im assuming you have stopped using a car or taking flights
Very controversial decision to gift Qatar the rights to the 2022 football World Cup. Money talks
in ten years what will become of the 1000s of electric cars who's batteries no longer hold a charge?
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
boricua, They will have the batteries replaced causing huge environmental damage
unfortunately how do we get away from plastics
toothless beachrat
toothless beachrat
Marshall, not a fan of the decision, the tournament was held during December due to how hot it is there when the tournament is normally held (June-July). I saw a special about how many deaths there were while building the stadiums, and how the workers were grossly underpaid and made to sleep/live in poor conditions.
Gerald &Estie Anderson
Gerald &Estie Anderson
Petroleum is just the remainder of Dead Animals if We continue using It We become Oil
PinoyRonin1955, somebody did recently invent a car engine that runs on water instead of fuel, and then he was killed
Marshall, what is controversial there. Ask the people who attended the world cup their experience.
Majority of the middle eastern countries open up their economy in the 1980s. Construction is widespread and salary is up to $5k/month. Oil is the global currency for economy yet in the near future who can say what. Tesla is rampaging their electric car in America and China, and yet who knows what next, maybe hydrogen (water) fuel for the next generation.
Tejaswanth Dutta
Tejaswanth Dutta
Of course it is richest nation ,But is "the only country in the whole world which don't have even a single tree