Which exoplanet is orbiting our sun’s nearest neighbor?
Correct answer: Proxima b

Not much good at 4.25 light years away though. Unless we develop warp speed!!

in proximity 😉

Player #10051217
I defiantly had to use a hint for this question.😉

Player #33485665
PopPop the Shark, Think it's a red dwarf sun, so emits a lot less heat.

Globular Martian
Player #10051217, I didn't need to use a hint. Proxima b! Just don't know where Proxima A is?

verah2208, it'll happen sooner than we think, maybe not in our life time, but maybe in a few more generations

Ray Mission
verah2208, How about THEM doing that?...

Player #2966030
orbiting every 11 days = you better hang on.

Player #16672582
verah2208, its coming in about 2.5light years Haha