The best method for surviving quicksand is?
Correct answer: Relax

I hope never to find out in the first place. And what a creepy photo at top!

more survival skills questions please

Good information!

nearly every film in the 70s involved quicksand, I was always scared of it!

um...anyone else disturbed by that photo??

In the "Lost in Space" episode "Attack of the Monster Plants" John and Don were in quicksand and John told Don not to struggle.

Player SQinfoNUTS
following a large hurricane and the subsequent very low tide in the state of Delaware I along with two friends actually we're caught in a pit of quicksand. We panicked but only for a moment. We were in slightly above our knees that was enough for us. it was a very memorable experience although I do not wish to repeat it.

There are two acceptable answers here. Relax and swim or float.

Player #118197
Cowofneal, Yes....good info to know. (in old western movies, the bad guy usually sinks out of sight in the quicksand).

I wonder where quicksand is most prominent? I guess I'll Google it

I first knew about quick sand from watching Gilligans Island when I was a child. This traumatized me in such awful way l can remember vividly those skits from the episodes.

Thanks for the information.

Baron Voski
RELAX is not A proper answer !

Well a nervous person couldn't stay calm for sure

Cat Mom
RushMama2112, no, it doesn't say swim or float. It says try to swim to safety, which would make you sink faster!

Cat Mom
Aerylwyn1118, Amen!

I agree with Aerylwyn! I never want to have to experience this situation of relaxing in quicksand! :-)

that looks more like someone dug up in Pompeii where the volcano covered everyone

not my heart pounding as I read through the info part! lol

Gma2RooMoo, growing up, watching movies and cartoons, I definitely thought quick sand would be a threat at least once a month.

I would love to have the encounter with it!!! Yup, I'm a little crazy!!

Quicksand as it's depicted in film and TV isn't real. It's not dangerous at all. It's like getting stuck in mud.

Wannabe Vulcan
Su Xieli, don't you just aim for the gooiest parts? 🤪

Wannabe Vulcan
meek, I've had fun in (shallow) quicksand.

Wannabe Vulcan
WilledGazelle9, if it's shallow, it's fun to play in.

Wannabe Vulcan
Tracy, hiking in deep canyons in southern Utah, I used to enjoy playing in shallow pools of quicksand.

never knew the name for that.thanks for the info

tinabobina, Absolutely! Stuff of nightmares 😱

I'll try this when I go to Rhyl :-)

I hope none of us players ever have to step in one, but if it does just remember what not to do

Thank you MythBusters!!🙂

Player #34641139
I used to love playing in quicksand as a child (in the deserts of the southwestern US).

Tell that to a Yoruba man from Nigeria, he will sink so quick due to severe panic

learnt this information from the movies, Indiana Jones

now I scared I might get caught into quicksand and how did they test that

the answer literally says to paddle to safety. How is swim to safety wrong?

I was a fan of Dora so I knew that

wow- did not know that! good to know if I ever step in quicksand lol 😆

There was always quicksand in the old Tarzan movies

Player #37077953
Incorrect, people won't completely sink in any quicksand it is best to move your legs