Crohn's disease affects which organ?
Correct answer: The gastrointestinal tract

Gramma Val
not sure how old this info is but Crohn's "is" an autoimmune disease! I've had it for 45 yrs

Gramma Val, My only children (a daughter and a son) both have ulcerative colitis and between them they have three children all girls who have Crohn’s. My kids also have a half sister and a cousin with Crohn’s. Their grandmother on my kids father’s side died of colon cancer so probably had either Crohn’s or UC. It’s a terrible disease and I feel so terrible for them all.

Gramma Val, I'm so sorry you suffer with this I also have friends and have this disease. That's no longer considered autoimmune. Hope this link helps.

thanks for the great info!

I was suffering from Crohn's Although i've overcome it Life has not been the same.. lost 35 kgs ina matter of few months.. looked like a skeleto.. couldn't paas stool for 10 days in a row.. it was horrifying..

Gramma Val, agree. My mom also had it for 40 years. Her brother and 3 nephews also have it. Definitely genetics.

Player #11976947
I have been diagnosed recently. I still have pain and bloody stools. I feel for anyone who suffers with this illness.

I have ulcerative colitis. the symptoms are simular. I've had a surgery to help. but this is chronic and won't go away ever

Player BRAINY SMURF, in girl U can sympathize completely. I was 208lbs (110kg?) in November 2018. By I lost 48lbs-96kg ? by Jan 4, 2018. I
now am 160lbs-72 .5kg. I almost feel like I have to go to the bathroom. I must have vary wicked person in a. former life. Good Luck!
body weigh

How can anyone be checked for this. I have been sick all of my life. I will be 62 in 2020

Crohns and colitis are linked and certainly are caused by a faulty gene, but it needs an unknown trigger. The international "twin study" found many cases with identical twins,who are genetically identical, where only one had it. So there has to be a trigger, that affected one but not the other. Numerous theories over the years, from swallowing toothpaste to having measles before the age of 5. But no answer yet.

Had Crohn's since I was about 11, but didn't know it until I was in my early 40's when I ended up in the ER then emergency surgery; since then I watch what I eat (no nuts & nothing with fibers or rinds that are hard to digest) and it hardly bothers me now; I'll always have it, no cure, but knowing you have it is half the battle

Gramma Val, have you tried Ayurveda

Player #22062317
told my young friend 8n her early 30s she would need a colostophe bag if it got worse.

Player #25874027
Yes, really.

Player #34241753
Ask your GP for a referral to a Gastroenterologist and Endocrinologist, I’d better yo be safe than sorry.
Praying for you 🙏🏻💞

really an organ ?

Ilene5057, Don't feel guilty Ilene, you didn't 'give' them their illnesses, it's mutant genes that have caused the problem, although I can understand your feelings. Hopefully cures can be found for Crohn's, ulcerative colitis and IBS in the not too distant future.

John Hopkins medical site says it is an autoimmune disease.

Then why the man has put his hand on his head..

Gramma Val, thanks for saying that because I've had Crohn's for a long time & it is an autoimmune disease.

Gramma Val, Look into having probiotics like kifir milk

I'm 36 and have a permanent Illeostomy bag which is similar to a colostomy bag but off the small intestine instead of my colon. I have had to have all of my digestive tract from my small intestine down removed thanks to this horrible disease. I constantly end up in hospital with obstructions and strictures and have to inject myself weekly to try and keep it under control which doesn't always work.

Player #6806802
LoL love if😍

I do not want to get this dieses. no matter what know someone who had it and they died of it after having half there intestinal tract taken out