What kind of bacteria causes gastritis and gastric ulcers in humans?
Correct answer: Helicobacter pylori

Laudy Miss Claudy
There has been an increase in people with H. Pylori because of certain acid reducer medications that many folks take to relieve heart burn. With the decrease of acid in the stomach the H Pylori bacteria overgrows.

Player #25874027
Somewhere in the dim recesses of my brain I recall an affliction or a disease called pyloric stenosis which affects the stomach / digestive tract.
This was a help on this one

Suffered with this myself when younger...now been diagnosed with Crohns disease unfortunately..

had it ,needed to be treated with a lot of meds , ulcer got bad. anemia and black stool were signs

Wannabe Vulcan
Also not uncommon in pet ferrets, at least in the US.

Laudy Miss Claudy, perhaps, you are right. I was prescribed meds for heartburn 20 plus years ago as a precaution against esophageal cancer. Without the meds I suffer horribly.