Which NFL quarterback as of 2019 has been in the most Super Bowls?
Correct answer: Tom Brady
He is down here now in Tampa Bay starting with the Buccaneers this fall.
Mama Crow
Great player!
Player #13501314
He is the GOAT best QBs ever
Paul Mendes
Player #122966166, Tom the (Goat)Brady … A gift to the NFL and all that love the New England Patriots… My home town team ❤️
Player #122966166
Zizzlestix , I don't know why everybody thinks this guy is a hero. he's not.
Player #51370184, just announced he is back for 23. guess he doesn't like being out of the spotlight.
Player en_846
I reacted too fast and picked the wrong TB. I saw Tom Brady on The Late Show. He hated strawberries, so he was challenged to eat them. Hey Mikey, he likes it.
Now Tom terrific plays for the Bucks. Can you say Super Bowl?
FACTCHECKER, it is "amazing" what you can accomplish when you CHEAT!!!
Player #14993519.
Player #10381263 ber, For Sure He could not do it alone, still a good record,,
Player #10381263 ber, so true. takes the whole team working together. Tom is now a Buccaneers qb
loved him as a wolverine and been loving ever since
Joe D
I hate him (because he doesn't play for my team 😉.) I go back as far as the Terry Bradshaw/Roger Staubach era, and as painful as it is to admit, I don't think there is any debate as to who is the GOAT. (Peyton Manning is my all-time favorite quarterback, but averaging a conference championship every other year? His division has always been easy to win,but he's beaten some amazing teams in the playoffs. )
_Kathy 61_
RushMama2112, you are wrong about him!ol
RushMama2112, guess you really don't know him at all.
He's good but I really dislike him. Smug and gullible.