What is a group of bats called?

Correct answer: Colony

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What people think about it: 13 Comments
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
Sweet Senior, Here in Queensland we have fruit bats and they would set out each evening for the orchards. When walking our dog it would take over ten minute for the flock to pass over us. Thousands on them.
Bats help control the mosquito population. Nightly, they consume a bounty of numerous insects of all types, while in flight.
Sweet Senior, that makes me rather sad. I'd love a pet bat. But I'll content myself with putting up bat houses.
Player #96919
Player #96919
RushMama2112, eh? a bat for a pet? Dracula springs to mind . Fangs for the comment though
Player Elf Counsel, Elf counsel, I am an American but went to Australia on a Fullbright. When we lived in Queensland, we had a huge fig tree out our house in Shorncliff, where the fruit bars made quite a ruckus at night.
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
CheckOutBigBrain, I think depending on the bat type they can look kinda cute.
CherT808, they also help to pollenate like the bees do.
In Missouri bats are protected, it's illegal to kill them! The bats eat millions of insects throughout the farmlands, farmers and locals learn to appreciate them, and with projects of putting up bat houses too.
Tina M.
Tina M.
I'm terrified of bats. Yes, they may eat pesty insects, but they also can have rabies!
I thought a group of bats is known as a cauldron.
Their emergence from Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico is a thrill. It must have been amazing before the cave was "discovered". That tornado of flight was how CC was found.
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
ElixSkipper, great info good to know.
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Player Elf Counsel, what a lovely sight to see I love fruit bats aka flying foxes.