Which plant root is used as a coffee alternative?
Correct answer: Chicory

I remember as a kid having camp coffee which was chicory I used to like it but tried it a few years back and it was awful shows how much of a coffee snob I am now.

People have been using Chickory in place of coffee for centuries. Some people still combine Chickory with coffee when they brew it.

Player #4267149
craftmaker76, The earth is not flat but apparently your brain is!

new info for me.thanks

terrible substitute for real coffee

Does it have caffeine?

Davy, Livingston, that's rich

Cha Cha
luckycatfay, Me too, we always had a bottle in the kitchen, Mum used it in baking too. Chicory, apparently, is good for your digestive system.

Player #20136064
dai.laffin, Thank you

BlanketMonster, chicory. is good actually just taste like regular decaffeinated coffee.

Jo, Actually it's not nasty at all. just taste like store brand decaffeinated coffee. pretty good with cream and sugar. try it. not bad. cheaper that most coffees.

I haven't been able to have caffeine for years and always use dandelion root tea as a substitute. It looks and tastes very similar to coffee and is known as a common substitute. I will have to give chicory a try as well, but the answer options on this question should be corrected.

Silly Sausage
I'm a naturopath and can tell you that dandelion is used also, if not more frequently. It is disappointing to have got this wrong because someone used wiki for research!

Player #8952587
I've drunk dandelion root coffee but got question wrong

craftmaker76, If the earth is flat where did the astronauts get the photos of earth taken from space???

Player Elf Counsel
luckycatfay, I had Camp too but haven't seen it around for ages. And never here in Australia. My mother hated chicory and never drank coffee until Maxwell House came on the market.